
russian keyboard typing

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Russian keyboard typing

This keyboard is for people who do not have access to a keyboard in russian or any other person who would like to write or study the complex russian language.

This website allows you to write using the mouse by clicking the appropriate letter on the site’s virtual keyboard or, alternatively, to directly press the key on your keyboard that corresponds to the wanted russian character...


online russian Keyboard, write your text in russian without having a system that supports the russian language on your PC .


select your text and copy -> paste on your document, website

Virtual keyboard allows you to enter russian text in russian, English, even if you do not have an russian keyboard, and copy and paste the search text.

- Helping you write letters of the russian  alphabet.

- Help you to write texts in russian while you're away from your computer for russian, for example, in an internet cafe in a foreign country.

- Help you write a letter in russian.

- To facilitate research on search engines such as Google and other sites.

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